Object Avoiding Bot, or OAB, is a robotics project using very simple hardware and simple programming logic. The robot is able to detect obstacles around itself and avoid obstacles in real time using an Arduino board and a few other essential components.
What is OAB?
An Arduino-based robot that can travel around without bumping into things. It uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect any obstacle in its way and changes direction accordingly.
How It Works?
- Sensing the environment: This is achieved by an iultrasonic sensor by using sound waves to measure distances and then receiving echoes.
- Scanning the area for obstacles: It uses a servo motor that moves the sensor across different angles to enable the robot to “look” around.
- Making decisions: The Arduino collects sensor data and decides where or when to avoid, stop, or turn.
- Avoid collision: In this case, detect, stop, and change the direction to go forward.
Key Components
- Arduino Uno R3: This is the brain of the robot and does all kinds of data processing as well as actuation.
- Ultrasonic Sensor: This detects objects by measuring the distance it covers using sound waves.
- Servo Motor: It rotates the sensor for widening the field of view for the robot.
- Motor Driver Shield (L293D): The shield that will control motors for the action of the robot moving and turning forward and backwards.
- Chassis and Wheels: These provide the body structure and ensure mobility.
- Power Supply: The robot uses cells for power.
Programming and Libraries
The programming of the robot has been done using the Arduino IDE. The most crucial libraries that are in use include the following:

source: youtube.com